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I decided to conduct some interviews with viewers who are our target audience and ask them questions about whether our opening sequence had appealed to her.


Feedback: 1



Viewer profile

Name: Andreia

Age: 18 years old 

Favourite movie genre? Why?: Romantic comedies because they are funny and have romance in them at the same time which is what I like about them. They are entertaining and I enjoy watching them after a stressful day at college.

How often do you go to the cinema?: not as often as I want. Probably around once a month, sometimes even once every couple of months.

Do you like romantic/ coming of age-movies? Why?: Yes because I can relate to them and I find them very cute, such as the formation of their relationship. Also these types of movies take us on a journey such as we see them go through break-ups, getting back together, etc and this is something I enjoy watching.

Why do you think the romantic genre is popular with females?:  I think because girls like myself enjoy watching puppy love relationships which are sometimes cheesy. Maybe men also enjoy but do not like to admit it because these films may be seen as more feminine and girly.

Which part of our opening sequence did you enjoy the most and why?: I enjoyed the ending in particular because it kept me wanting to know more about what would happen next, so I wish it would have been longer for me to find out.




Viewer profile

Name: Gabby

Age: 16 

Favourite movie genre? Why?: Coming-of-age films because I can sometimes relate myself to the girl who is the main character. These movies are also easy-going, you don't feel tense when watching them and are relaxing.

How often do you go to the cinema?: Couple of times a month

Do you like romantic/ coming-of- age movies?Why?: Yes I do because I find them cute and enjoy watching these types of movies with my friends when we have sleepovers. However, sometimes the storyline can be too predictable so I think this is the only limitation of them.

Why do you think the romantic genre is popular with females?: Girls enjoy more romantic movies which are often cheesy. They can also compare themselves with the main girl in the movie and maybe aspire to be like them.

Which part of our opening sequence did you enjoy the most and why?: I enjoyed the inter-cutting between the boy and girl, especially when the girl put her hand on the light and the music started playing. It was lively and therefore made me more keen to watch it.

Name: Rhiannon

Age: 17

Favourite movie genre? Why?: Horror because I enjoy the feelings it gives you such as suspense, tension, fear, shock, etc

How often do you go to the cinema?: When I see a movie which appeals to me, I go to the cinema so probably a couple of times a month.

Do you like romantic/ coming-of- age movies? Why?: Not really because they are mostly cheesy and the storyline can be repetitive.

Why do you think the romantic genre is so popular with females?: Because they enjoy watching romantic movies and wanting a relationship similar to what they see in these movies, such as love at first sight exist. 

Which part of our opening sequence did you enjoy the most and why?: I enjoyed the part when the girl arrived at the door because it was cute when the guy looks at her then decides to walk over to her. It was all very realistic and typical of a romantic genre. 

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